As consumers worldwide buy more clothes, the growing market for cheap items and new styles is taking a toll on the environment. On average, people bought 80% more garments in 2020 than they did in 2000.
Fashion production makes up 10% of humanity's carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams.
More of 85% of all textiles go to the dump each year. Also washing some types of clothes sends thousands of bits of plastic into the ocean.
Fast fashion has completely change and continuing kill the environment overproducing every years more collections and so billions of unsold items.
When sold, A lot of this clothing ends up in the dump after couple of uses. The equivalent of one garbage truck full of clothes is burned or dumped in a landfill every second.
In total, up to 85% of textiles go into landfills each year.
Plus, Washing these clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibers into the ocean each year (the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles).
And 35% of all microplastics (very small pieces of plastic that never biodegrade) in the ocean came from the laundering of synthetic textiles like polyester.
Tons of clothing are stuck in the huge Garbage waiting for the moment to be dissolved. This process will take tens of years.
It’s hard to just stop follow the trends and convince ourselves to not buy something we really like, right?
What about if we select these Clothes already wasted from somebody else that has zero knowledge, often never worn…and we turn them in cool new garments?
Our purpose is contribute in our small way to help the environment altering "already made items" in stuff you can still wear.
We want help others to be aware on what is happening in the world, reaching them knowledge and make everybody know how the impact of the fashion industry gets worse and worse every single day.